Healthy Baby Food
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To support the development and growth, the baby needs a healthy intake, in the form of food or milk he drinks. This applies after the baby is older than 6 months, given birth to 6 months of age, parents should give exclusive breast milk intake. As a parent, you want to give the best for the baby. However, due to lack of information, the intake of which is given to the child can damage the health of the child. Did you give the baby food and milk is best for your baby?
Natural Baby Food
Healthy food for babies should be natural foods, meaning foods that are free of preservatives, dyes, flavors and spices artificial instant. However, because of busy, practical instant food is often an option. Plus ads that appear interesting that suggests healthy instant food. So that no one gives intake for a child, information about the right foods for infants is necessary to find out more.
Baca Juga
Danger Instant Food
The advent of instant food occurred in World War II. Instant food becomes a solution to the long line to get food that occurred at that time. At that time, the food is served to sustain life without regard to nutrients the body needs. So, if you provide instant food, whether the food is really good enough to meet your child nutrition?
Instant foods generally contain elements that are not natural. Their process of manufacture and storage of food that takes time to make the food be fresh and eliminate the nutritional value. Not to mention if the instant foods containing preservatives, dyes or other substances that are not natural for adults only if the food is harmful substances, especially for a baby.
Healthy Baby Food
Fruits became an excellent first food for babies who start eating. The reason is because the fruit can be eaten without cooking, so that nutrients and enzymes contained in it can be obtained in one piece because it is not through a heating process that can reduce the nutrients in it. Nutrients and natural enzymes easily absorbed by the body, then, is very suitable for babies begin to eat and digest food for the first time.
Baby porridge
To buy enough nutrients, you can make your own food for your baby. After 6 months of age, your baby will begin to learn to eat. Give a natural food, such as carbohydrate derived from the pulp screening, animal protein derived from red meat or fish meat, vegetable protein, such as those found in soybeans and green vegetables. The food was given to the baby, do not need to add salt or sugar, especially flavoring or synthetic dyes.
As a complement, the baby needs milk which is an obligatory drink. Best milk for babies is breast milk or breast milk, because the milk that is completely natural. Compared with a formula that seems able to meet the needs of the child, breastfeeding is much better.
At first, the special formula milk given to babies whose mothers died in the war so that the babies could not get milk from her mother again, but now a lot of infant formula given to the baby, when in use, the formula should be treated as a drug. That is, should a prescription, there are rules of use, and the duration of its use. This is because the use of infant formula can cause side effects, like drug use. Common side effects are diarrhea caused by infant formula that does not match.
A formula that claims the most good or formula expensive as anything, nothing compares with the nutrients found in breast milk. In ASI there is a nutrient that is complete and can adjust to fit the needs of the baby. So, try to give milk to your baby. Breastfed exclusively, without other food and beverage, given to infants up to 6 months old. Breastfeeding may continue until the age of 2 years.
Instant food or formula can cause side effects for the baby digestive system is not perfect. Give the baby the best food for your beloved baby by providing natural foods like fruit, porridge, and most importantly, breast milk so that optimal infant growth.
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