Caring for Healthy Teeth
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Caring for Healthy Teeth
What should be done to maintain oral health? Here are tips on caring for your teeth and mouth to keep it healthy and beautiful:
Select Dental Floss, Avoid Toothpick
Done enjoyed the food, usually there are some foods that inhabit crevices of teeth. This situation can be distracting and if left for too long can cause tooth decay. To remove it, use dental floss (dental floss) rather than using a toothpick. Dental floss will minimize friction and collision of the teeth and gums. Instead use a toothpick allows the gear shift and injure the gums, bleeding gums and so make infection.
Brushing Right
How correct brushing technique?
Brush with light pressure. Pressing too hard on the teeth will damage the teeth and gums. The gums will bleed easily and are sensitive to infection. Due to the troubled, the gums become imperfect to support the teeth and can lead to tooth or teeth kerusak become dated.
Duration ideal brushing time is 2-3 minutes. If it is too fast, the teeth will be less clean but if too long can erode tooth enamel and irritate the gums.
Use a soft bristle toothbrush. Bristles are hard and stiff will damage gigii email. Make sure the bristles are neat and not out of line.
Choose a toothbrush with a small brush head. The size of the brush head according to the jaw will make your teeth cleaner because it can reach the deepest parts of the tooth.
The Right Time to Brushing
Recommended brushing time is the morning after breakfast and at night before bed, because during sleep, no saliva production. As a result, if there are leftovers, will make active bacteria and germs. Remaining acidic foods and sugar will weaken the tooth enamel and increase the risk of cavities.
Rinsing with Mouthwash
Finished brushing your teeth, complete with rinsing with a mouthwash that contains an antiseptic. This is useful for protecting the teeth from plaque. In the mouth who are experiencing problems, such as injuries to the gums can use mouthwash containing antibiotics.
scrape the Tongue
Tongue surface shaped like "hills valley" which means there are cracks on the surface of the tongue that need to be cleaned. Kototran not lost if the rinsing. How clean is to scrape the surface of the tongue using a toothbrush or a special tool to scrape the tongue.
Chewing Gum
Chewing gum is useful for self cleansing the teeth. Chewing gum can clean food debris and plaque on the tooth surface. Chew gum to stimulate saliva production peningkkatan so that the mouth becomes dry and reduced bad breath, Though useful, but the sugar content in the gum can damage teeth, so do not forget to brush your teeth after chewing.
Limit consumption of sugar and acid
As much as possible, limit foods and drinks that contain sugars and acids such as candy, chocolate, or soft drinks. Simple carbohydrates contained therein is preferred bacteria. Bacteria will make a plaque that will convert sugars into acids. Acids can erode tooth enamel and makes cavities. It would be very nice, if after eating sugar or acid, gave time to brush your teeth.
Limit Wine, Coffee and Tea
The content of tannin contained in tea and coffee can change the color of the outer layer of the teeth or enamel. Other dyes in colored drinks, such as wine, syrup or soft drinks can also cause stains on teeth.
Noda will be readily formed on the surface of the teeth caused by plaque rough or uneven teeth anatomy. Prevention is to drink through a straw and limit the consumption of 1-2 cups daily.
Do not smoke
In smoking, cigarette smoke and millions of other chemicals contained in cigarette will fall into the mouth and affects the tissue and organ in the mouth, including the teeth.
Hot smoked cigarettes will also reduce the production of saliva which causes bad breath, causing dry mouth and make oral conditions be a convenient place for breeding bacteria.
Other effects of smoking are:
Change the color of the gums, teeth and lips become darker
Dental caries is formed
Increases the risk of oral cancer
Mouth so flavorful cigarettes
The use of Teeth Whitening
The negative effects from the use of tooth whitening is becoming more sensitive gums. So, if you want to perform teeth whitening, check whether your gums healthy and safe to perform the procedure.
Teeth whitening available in the market such as bleach in toothpaste, strips or brush may be used if its content below 3% and the content of hydrogen peroxide bleach named. Also examine whether the product has a permit from the health authorities.
Consult Teeth
Sick or not, you should regularly visit the dentist every 6 months. The aim is to check the health of your teeth and mouth. If there is no problem, you can clean the tartar.
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